All About You

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* 1. Which type of post-secondary institution do you work for?

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* 2. Which of these best describes your primary work role? Select all that apply.

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* 3. Which of these best describes your current role?

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* 4. How many years have you been involved in this field of work?

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* 5. How strongly do you agree with the following statements?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
I have the ability to connect with PSE peers at a similar level from different schools.
I have access to the tools and systems I need to effectively do my job.
I have enough training to be successful in my work.
I am clear about what is expected of me to be successful in my work.
I believe there are not enough PD opportunities related to my specific role.
I have access to professional development activities that will allow me to grow within the sector.
I believe my work directly impacts student and enrolment success.
I believe my business unit directly impacts student and enrolment success.
33% of survey complete.